PRP Facial (Vampire Facial)


Platelet rich plasma (PRP)


For complete skin revitalization, PRP treatments work by stimulating new collagen production and encouraging healing and healthy cell renewal. For a glowing, youthful appearance this cosmetic solution made up of your own natural platelet rich formula effectively treats aging skin, wrinkles, dark circles, pigmentation and more! 

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) combined with our Dermapen Skin Needling is a popular treatment. When combined the Dermapen creates micro-punctures in the skin which enables the PRP to be absorbed re-energising your cells for a total skin renovation, tackling unwanted fine-lines and wrinkles.

Best of all, what is put back into your skin is naturally 100% your own blood by-product.


How does it work?


PRP stimulates the inflammatory cascade and helps to not only heal the body but encourage healthy cell renewal. PRP is injected in the mid to deep dermis layer of the skin using a similar technique to many other types of cosmetic filler treatments.

PRP involves the collection of blood, approximately 8 to 16 mls, which is spun down using a centrifuge. This process separates the plasma and platelet portion of the blood with the assistance of a separator gel as a special filter.

The PRP portion of your blood is then injected back into your skin during the treatment, in order to stimulate new collagen production, whilst also revitalising your cells to embark on the rejuvenation process.


What can I expect post treatment?

Immediately post treatment the platelets will then begin to stimulate growth factors, which aids in collagen growth. This renewal process will enable an improved overall texture and tone of the skin to become more visible from 2 to 3 weeks post treatment, and will continue to improve gradually over ongoing months. 

For best results, it is recommended to combine modalities – skin treatments (IPL or LED) and prescribed cosmeceuticals. Speak with your Cosmetic Nurse on how best to achieve optimal treatment results.

You can expect minimal swelling, bruising and/or redness for 12 to 72 hours post treatment. It is recommended to have at least 3 treatments, 4 to 6 weeks apart. Maintenance treatments are then recommended once every 6 to 12 months thereafter.

As the quality of plasma available between individuals will vary, a variation in treatment outcomes is to be expected between clients.








